Positive Behavior Support

Mission Statement

Person - Individual Student

for adults as well as individual students whose behavior:

Poses a significant risk to self or others.
Creates an extensive loss of time (e.g. academic time).
Leads to exclusion from typical educational opportunities.

PBS can:

Restore communication between home and school/service providers.
Increase socially acceptable behavior and reduce disruptive behaviors.
Maintain a least restrictive environment.


for schools experiencing:

Academic performance below national, state, or local standards.
A significant number of students who are late, absent, or engaged in problem behavior.
Several students who receive disciplinary exclusions (suspension, expulsion or change of placement) for problem behavior.

PBS can:

Establish a conducive learning climate to improve academic performance.
Reduce the number of office referrals for problem behavior.
Reduce the need for disciplinary exclusions.

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